Extra day or days taken off work after a sickie to add credibility to the reasons given to the man
"I guess he's really ill this time then?"
"Nah, he's just taking a cred day"
by Travelling Uncle Bob June 2, 2009
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Your reputaiton of being a geek, wether it good or bad. Getting callled a geek by a teacher/lecturer boosts this majorly know form persoanl experience).
1. Man, he is such a geek.

2. Of cource I know him, who doesnt know that geek?

3. I have too much geek cred >.<
by Koran October 19, 2006
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a term for Mr. McDick, your derranged P.E. coach from Middle School.
Mr. McDick: "Holla Bitches"
Some student: "Street Cred"
by Shadowchild451 May 6, 2008
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selling your soul to try to please some imagined audience
he bought the shoes and shirt but wasn't accepted so he found out about the downside of street cred.
Diluted standards and lowest common denominators are the dirty open secret of the downside of street cred.
by adam_before_eve September 10, 2005
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Short for Street Credits. Gained from raising your street crediblity. Can be used to purchase items on the street.
"Could I purchase an item from this store with some street credits?"
by Generic Gibbon May 5, 2016
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Slang term used in the hot rod world for a guy or girl who will do anything to their car to obtain "hero status" when noone really cares. But they secretly think that if they out perform someone that they will gain "street credits" which is a points list that doesnt exist. Ever
Billy keeps spending money on his car and going to the dragstrip but hasnt improved on anything. Sure looks like hes looking for more street creds. Too bad noone gives a shit.

I herd Jonny bought another new carb in the quest for more street creds.
by 10 years later October 25, 2014
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Short for "web logger street credibility"

1. The amount of respect you have gained from other members of your blogging community (generally a subcommunity of the overall blogger community, such as "video game bloggers")

2. A term used sarcastically because people who blog do so on the internet, which is widely regarded as the least credible source for information apart from televised news.
That dude totally lost some blogger street cred when he decided to post his views on violence in gaming, which every other video game blogger disagreed with.
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