3 definitions by 10 years later

To completely bail out on a planned event at the very last possible second using the most ridiculous excuses.
-Hey I thought you were coming to the game tonight but apparently you pulled a Chinsy.

-Richard had a huge hard on to go out with Sandra but at the last minute she Chinsy'd him because all he wanted was to get in her pants.
-Bob had a Math test but he didn't study for it so he said "Fuck it, im pullin a Chinsy"
-Billy had plans to pleasure his boyfried Mike anally but at the last minute Mike called and dropped a Chinsy.
-Billy had every intention to win the race but his car pulled a Chinsy at the finish line.
by 10 years later September 29, 2014
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A self proclaimed race car builder who works so much he or she forgets to shower and is so dirty they resemble a coal miner or they look like they just serviced a clutch in a Mack truck, hence they look to be covered in clutch dust.
JOHN - Seen clutch dust at the mall. Why would he go out in public so dirty.
BILLY - Whos clutch dust?
JOHN - (add dirty face persons name here)
by 10 years later October 25, 2014
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Slang term used in the hot rod world for a guy or girl who will do anything to their car to obtain "hero status" when noone really cares. But they secretly think that if they out perform someone that they will gain "street credits" which is a points list that doesnt exist. Ever
Billy keeps spending money on his car and going to the dragstrip but hasnt improved on anything. Sure looks like hes looking for more street creds. Too bad noone gives a shit.

I herd Jonny bought another new carb in the quest for more street creds.
by 10 years later October 25, 2014
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