Game that is almost exactly the same as the safety game, but instead "contact" is said and the game is played by soldiers.
*Soldier 1 releases flatulence*
Soldier 1 — Contact!
Soldier 2 — Aww, now I can't hit you due to the rules of the Contact Game.
by UrbanCorps November 27, 2010
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Pro contact is a term that tends to float around the radqueer and radinclus community, it is referencing people who suffer with paraphilia's.

Someone who is pro contact believes that folks with paraphilia's such as pedophilia, zoophilia and necrophilia should be able to act on those thoughts without being reprimanded.

Someone who is anti contact is someone who supports folks struggling with paraphiliac thoughts but does not encourage them to act on those thoughts and often encourages people to seek psychiatric help.
James: "I'm pro contact!"
Emma: "Fuck you James."
by Ramsys October 13, 2023
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After receiving blue balls you excuse yourself to the restroom and release your self into her contact case.
Next morning bitch put in her creamed contacts!!
by Stormin Norman October 1, 2015
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Afraid to initiate physical contact. Standoffish in most social situations but always talking a big game.
He's always talking about asking her out, but never does. He's contact-shy.

He made the football team but quit when he got hit. He must be contact-shy.
by Tiberius Newman August 15, 2021
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Some people are really shallow and all they care about is how many contacts they have on BBM. This is Similar to Facebook friends.
Jemma: I've got 127 BBM Contacts
Mandy: I have 3 :(
by No-OnE-yOu-KnOw October 30, 2013
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A hangover that occurred solely because of you and your peers behavior the night prior even though you consumed no alcohol, you still wake up with the same headhache, and light sensitivity.
I think you all partied to hard last night, I woke up with a Contact Hangover
by Charlesekeisler April 8, 2018
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"Hey why is your door locked?"
"Oh no reason I was just contacting aliens"
by minuteman88 January 26, 2010
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