An individual who is physically and mentally dependent on a mind altering substance.
by Christopher Ferry May 7, 2019
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Severe addiction to hunting waterfowl. Often leads to bankruptcy and a pissed off girlfriend.
I wish I was free this weekend but I’m addicted to quack.
by Crile October 31, 2023
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When youre addicted to liking little children (basically a pedophile)
girl 1: Why is he in jaiL?
girl 2: Its because he has Orlandos addiction
girl 1: what is that?
girl 2: its when you like little children
by MaxEatsButtAndPuss January 12, 2022
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When someone has a addiction to shooting up schools
girl 1: omg why is he shooting up the school!
Girl 2: Its because he had edwins addiction
by MaxEatsButtAndPuss October 28, 2021
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Someone who can only funtion on negative energy and cannot stop complaining and finding fault even when it costs them jobs and relationships. Classic symptoms: repeating the same complaint to the same people daily; unable to take a hint; denial, abbreviated smile, glazes over and/or talks over all requests to stop complaining and/or go away, and short term memory loss (does not remember previous conversations). 90% of all Bitch-Addicts also have a cell phone and/or technology addiction. Typically chooses a captive audience, i.e. a receptionist, a fellow passenger on mass transit, or anyone who cannot immediately get away. Sometimes the behavior is 'hit-and-run', but with the intent to kill by a thousand cuts.
You: Are you still complaining about him? Girl, you're a Bitch-Addict and I'm sick of listening to you!

Bitch-Addict: Wha- I'm not kidding- he's a bona fide ass!
by maybe_its_you December 11, 2012
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A person that has an addiction whether it be to alcohol or drugs and still able to maintain a "normal" life.
My boyfriend is a functioning addict. He can drink from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to bed and still is able to go to work.
by I Can Be Your Cutie April 13, 2008
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the craving for increasingly hot curry. What used to seem fiery, now seems bland.
An acquired taste, not really an addiction as some researchers claimed.

Pass me the chili powder. This vindaloo isn't hot enough. Ever since I've been with hanging out with the desis, I've developed a serious curry addiction.
by slumdog January 10, 2009
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