If you have been fooled/ or had one put over you,or had bad luck the person performing the trick, or passing on the news would say 'scunted'.
If it was a particularly good joke you might say 'scunted badly'
You were caught cheating on your girlfreind.
Your freind might say 'Scunted'

If you set someone up for a joke and they fell for it, when you told them it was you, you would say 'scunted badly'
by Memories of Oz Oasis April 25, 2004
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worse than a cunt.a scabby cunt infact
bob:ya mums a cunt
dale:well your mums a scunt.booyah
by benny pies August 13, 2008
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She and I did not get along. She behaved like a scunt.
by Stud August 7, 2003
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A hybrid mix of 'skunk' and 'cunt'. Used in much the same way as 'bitch' or 'bastard'.
Or used to describe a vagina which emits an unpleasant odor.

origin. New Foundland, Canada
'I'll show you, you fuckin' scunt'
by joshua January 30, 2004
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Cody dumped out my entire bag for no reason, what a fucking scunt.
by TheWall7 May 26, 2015
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The 's' generally means 'SUPER' but can take on other meanings like: super-duper, super-8, second-rate, second-hand sex, shit-for-brains, stinky, sub-par, skyscraper, or short-shit. However the 's' never means: supercalifragilisticexpialidocius.
Don't touch that Social Service Worker, bitch, slut, scunt unless you want scabies, and vd to kill you within minutes.
by drexacto December 5, 2008
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A narasstic sociopathic two faced manipulative cracked out tweaker whore that has no morals or values and feels no guilt when she does scandalous things to people and will sleep with anyone or anything just because she needs a place to sleep or needs a bag of dope.
S. H. is such a scunt blister she burned my kids pictures.
by Squirrelly Girly May 14, 2021
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