an amazing and beutiful person inside and out a beautiful sister. she keeps her friends forever an dis a big hugger. pretty, hot, smart,sexy,
-wow look at that person over there?

- she is such a meg
by adolf the great May 29, 2013
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To hump. Or to thurst forwards onto an object/person.
Girl #1: Hi! I megged with Josh last night! He's so good at megging!
Girl #2: Thats great, me and Jarred meg all the time now!
by CornyUnicorn August 23, 2009
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a slutty ass bitch, that likes penis in her big vagina. and has jelly rolls. c: with big tits too! but is a black-haired bi sexual cunt bag.
meg meg meg meg
by hehehe. October 9, 2010
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Getting an ass to the face while getting farted on like Meg from Family Guy.
Scott shoved his sister's face to his butt and farted "Haha! You just got Megged!"
by United Princess December 29, 2016
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in the game of football to put the ball through someones legs
Ben is dribbling the ball towards mike and passes it through his legs
"ooo megs u ther!"
by Benshee November 17, 2007
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someone (boy or girl) who loves to lick lolly's while having sex..
boy1:hmm that girl good last night?
boy2: yeh realy good.. but kept licking lollys..
boy1:hah u got meg'ed!
by smellleddd February 17, 2009
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An episode of a TV series in which the plot revolves around a boring or unloved side character. This term comes from a Family Guy episode in which the main character, Peter Griffin breaks the fourth wall and makes a reference to the phenomena by apologetically informing the audience that this was to be another "Meg episode".
Friend 1: Oh great! A new episode of Widgets!
Friend 2: Sorry man, I already downloaded it. It's a another Meg Episode, all about John Doe. Boring.
by GonzoLarv January 19, 2012
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