David is a god. Everyone worships David because he is David. There is a David religion called Davidism, everyone has a roll in Davidism. There is a David currency, David blesses those with this special currency if they are loyal. All must worship David and God Eve, God eve is a whole other subject.
by Truthsayerofdavidism November 26, 2021
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Looking to impress chicks? Well everyone knows girls like shiny shit, so here's what you do. Pull down your pants and throw a handful of glitter on your junk. BAM! The ol' Razzle Dazzle!
I knew she'd be into a guy who stood out, so I gave her the ol' Razzle Dazzle.
by SirRosie July 27, 2010
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A way to seduce, or exhibit arousing behavior.
Did you see Becky? She gave Todd "The Ol Razzle Dazzle"!
by globby347 November 26, 2018
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The act of fingering your partner, stopping temporarily, and wiggling your fingers as to surprise your partner
Y’all ever just give your partner's coochie the Ol' Razzle Dazzle
by Sky L3mur November 22, 2020
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going to a party getting extremly wasted and then unwittingly finding yourself on youtube the next day after having made a complete arse of yourself.
yeh i went to a great dizzle dazzle party snazzle last night except firstly i went to the wrong house sat in the wrong garden got drunk in the garden nearly got beaten up by the home owner then found correct house got high on drugs and got secretly captured on cam talking crap and put on you tube yeh great party though man.
by addynmaddy June 22, 2009
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