Oz! The end of the yellow brick road! Down Under, where the temperatures (at least in my area) get up to 50C (122F).

Some stereotypes that need to be cleared up:
No, there are no kangaroos in the cities. Not even Perth.

We do not talk like Crocodile Dundee.
We don't wear khaki. At least, not the sane people.

We don't drink beer all day, unless we're drunks. Which we're not. At least not the majority of us.

We don't ride kangaroos. That is physically impossible. Think about it.

Koalas are not bears. Full stop.

Good things about Aus:
In Perth at least (no I don't live here, but I do some of the time), people are so friendly you can literally walk up to a random's door and they don't run inside and call the police.

We have some pretty cool history.
The weather is warm, even in winter (in WA anyway)
It snows, but not in all areas, and not all the time. So if you want to go skiing or whatever, go to Canberra or something.

The beaches are dazzling, deadly and just damn awesome.

We are the best country in the world. Sorry guys. Just be jealous and deal with it.
We have forests, deserts, beaches, mountains, snow, and just everything.

Fremantle Prison rocks.

Bad things:
Julia Gillard.

Asians are slowly taking over.
Random from random country: Wow, what's that dazzling glow on the horizon, with a yellow brick road leading to it, and fat healthy kangaroos bouncing around nearby?
Us: That's Australia.
by Proud Aussie May 26, 2012
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doesn't exist
Australia, doesn't exist
by YeeterMcPeeterson November 15, 2021
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A large country with a small population of people who cannot speak in normal terms and insist that "Australian" is an official language and despise those who can't speak it. The population consists majorly of South Africans and the rest are all "ship people". The real Australians, the Aboriginals, have been sent into exile by the government whom are too busy deciding on the extension of shopping hours.
"Ag, ja, Australia is taking all our brains man"
Spoken by a true South African

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Also know as Peasantville.
An island in the southern hemisphere inhabited by former convicts from Britain and well as peasants from many countries other than England.
This incredible mix created a society obsessed with their own importance, beer and sport.
An average level of education in Australia is about second to third grade. For example, English grammar is not taught in this English speaking country. An apostrophe followed by an S, is considered to be plural. General knowledge of world's issues is zero.
The official flag of Australia is a dark blue singlet (affectionally called a "wife beater").
Australian national anthem is short and easy to learn: "Ozzie, ozzie, ozzie, oi, oi, oi". In actual fact the anthem did have a second verse, but it was hard to remember and was scraped by the parliament in 1996.
The melody of the anthem is non-existent. The correct way to sing it is to do so after consuming several cans of a pesticide (aka local beer).

Favourite pastimes of Australians include, but are not limited to:
Getting drunk at work, getting drunk after work, getting drunk instead of work, getting drunk at football, getting drunk at football, getting drunk at football, talking about mortgage rates, getting drunk at football.

Australians love the "brown land of ours". They express their love by throwing rubbish out of their car windows and going on holidays to Bali, where the beer is cheaper.

They dislike all other countries and feel superior to any other nation in the world, and yet they think American and buy Chinese.

Australia has a rich culture, which includes horse racing and two codes of football; Rugby and Australian Rules Football. The latter is an immensely popular game (in the state of Victoria that is) and according to Victorians it should replace all other sports in the world (with the exception of horse racing).

Australians per capita are the highest gambling peoples in the world.
Victorians hold the record in being the highest polluters per capita in the world.

The Australian dream is to possess a crap looking, badly build house (6 to an acre) and one day become the 51 state of the USA.
Australia? Where's that?
by 99% aussie March 19, 2009
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The coolest place in the world, filled with the most coolest people in the world. Santa Clause's summer home is located just outside of Cairns, Queensland. And the whole shark attack thing -- myth!
Me: Wow! This Australia place is SOOOO cool! I never want to leave.
Aussie: Yieh, aur kuale's aer haepy. Aind aur sherks aer frindlee, mite.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh January 10, 2010
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Known on the show "Starter Wife" they call Australia the vagina. If you don't believe me, watch the show.
Guy: Wanna get down an' dirty?
Girl: Excuse me, my Australia is closed for the season.
by Screamo_Poptart August 15, 2007
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Best country/continent in the fuckin' world.
Hot chicks, excessive beer, and more fucked up (yet edible) animals than you'll find anywhere.
Bazza: G'day mate, what'd you get up to last arvy?
Wally: Aww not much mate, shagged the hot sheila from the pub after grabbing a few beers and had a barbie for brekkie. Gotta love Australia.
Bazza: Too right mate.
by DerkaDerrr August 11, 2010
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