Not being able to hold it when in a car and having to poop along side of the road.
He dropped some road pudding right before exit 10.
by DiggingBear November 4, 2021
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When you fuck a women on her period and dip in her vagina and her ass making a sloppy bloody pudding mixing the blood and poo from her ass.
Last night I made some of the best blood pudding with my girl friend.
by shovel breaker May 26, 2022
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Buttersnatch is a type of confectionery whose primary ingredients are
butter and snatch. Other ingredients such as sweat and pubes are
typically part of the recipe also. The ingredients for buttersnatch are
similar to butterscotch; the major difference is that sugar is boiled
to the soft crack stage for butterscotch and th...e snatch is boiled for
buttersnatch. Buttersnatch sauce is often made into a syrup, which is
used as a natural lubricant (particularly with Oreos).

Food historians have several theories regarding the name and origin of
this confectionery, but none are conclusive.
One explanation is the meaning "baggage or sack" for the word "snatch",
as the confection must be cut into pieces, or "de-snatched", before
boiling. It is also possible that the term "butter" has a very
different meaning then that of the common ingredient in many other
traditional recipes.
However, the word was first recorded in Oklahoma, in U.S.A,
where Marc Commish began making the confectionery in 2009. Commish's
buttersnatch had the royal approval and was one of 1st Can Para's
attractions and continues to be as of this entry.
by ColDoubt December 12, 2009
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Shit. Matter that comes from your pucker hole.
"I just walked across my lawn and stepped in a pile of your asshole dog's pucker pudding."
by Tuggernauts July 25, 2020
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When you shut your pants and it cakes your balls
bro that last beer gave me ball pudding!
by Lada23 August 1, 2020
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the discharge excreted as a dead frog decays in a vagina
Melva had a problem washing the frog pudding stain from her best g-string.
by Mama July December 3, 2013
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