Ollies mental health is so bad that noone can fix it.
person 1: i cant believe its so bad
person 2: yeah, its just as bad as ollies mental health
by amiexistent December 6, 2022
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A severe case of retardation, usually seen in bronies and weeaboos.
Damn, Mike probably has mental cancer from watching all these MLP music videos.
by Mentis Debilitatum May 27, 2017
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Don't say anything about Angelica's new hairstyle or she'll chuck a mental.
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty November 14, 2018
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Eco-Mentalism, ©Aidwannislard, is not a state of mind where you knit your own muesli, but a blend of spiritual and practical principles that enables us humans to rediscover and focus our innate mental and spiritual powers to achieve the inner ecology (= balance) that we need, not just to survive, but to do so with grace, harmony and beauty.
The powers of Eco-Mentalism include:
The Power of Listening
The Power of Sharing
The Power of Seeing
The Power of Open-mindedness
The Power of Acceptance
The Power of Silence
The Power of Communication
by Aidwannislard January 25, 2011
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A person with the mental or social skills of a lesser or equal to a fly's larva. A yappy, mouthy little bugger who has no idea that he annoys the rest of his peers with his constant yammering.
Oh my god!! Jay is the biggest mental maggot I have ever had to listen to! Can he EVER shut the hell up?!
by Mr. Comcastic August 26, 2010
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Also known as nuthouse insane asylum funny farm amongst other names. a place where people that are either mentally unstable or flat out crazy go.
"What the fuck send this nigga to the net mental Ward"
Crazy nigga: insane noises
by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 April 25, 2020
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