When you and another friend are texting or chatting on the Internet and you start talking about deep, philosophical subjects that explore the meaning of life and other things one would not otherwise contemplate.
Mike: So me and Jen were having a deep chat philosophy last night and we figured out the meaning of life.
Bob: And?
Mike: It was cool.
by nexorcexor September 7, 2013
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the conversation between two frat bros the first time they meet and discover they are both greek. While they may be from different houses and schools, they still manage to talk for hours about their fratting experiences (slampieces, hazing pledges, etc.)
Slampiece 1: Look at Sean, he's managed to find the one other frat guy at my birthday party and now they're gonna frat chat for the next two hours
by Zeta11 June 25, 2011
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Getting dumped by someone that you're having a chat affair with. Only counts as a chat dump if the chat's been going on for more than one exchange. Chat dumps can be "spoken" ("I don't want to chat with you anymore"), harsh ("fuck off"), or dickish (disappear from IM).
Person 1: Shit, I think I've been chat dumped by this really hot guy dood.
Person 2: What happened bro?
Person: Guy just stopped chatting suddenly. Fuckin' asshole. Bad chatiquette.
by IkuraEater July 28, 2014
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A chat lock-in is a situation where a person locks you into a one-way conversation where they proceed to tell you every detail of whatever comes to their mind without letting you add to the conversation or politely end the conversation.

Once in a chat lock-in it is very difficult to end the conversation and you must find or invent new and enhanced methods to escape this lock-in.

Get away. Get away as fast as you can.
Person one: Huwww boy, what a day.

Person two: Really, what makes you say that?

<commence chat lock-in>

Person one: <Proceeds to talk endlessly about subjects which are vaguely related to your original question>
by Cogarius October 13, 2014
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Famfam chat - n. Group of home boys who drink every chance they get, half don't have jobs, and none have girlfriends, yet think they can "get some" like Ice Poseidon.
"hey bro are you in famfam chat?"
"yes bro I'm gay"
by Turniptime November 1, 2017
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A chat site started by Emerald Chat user Null. It's goal was to make a better and improved chat site. It features rooms for chatting and 1 on 1 chat.
Guy 1: Hey have you used Opal Chat?

Guy 2: Yeah dude it's not very active but it's not bad!

Guy 1: Hey I just went to Opal Chat.

Guy 2: how was it?

Guy 1: Well it's not active rn but it might be later.
by Urbandictionary6911 June 17, 2022
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Meme Chat is like a restaurant that comes with many options. Like in starter you can have memes related to sports, celebrity, nostalgia. And at breakfast, you can taste spicy puns, savages, anime, and at dinner, you'll get what you ask.

It is also very helpful for the government when it comes to providing the list of all the single people to the census department as most of them live on this app. *If it takes 43 muscles to smile, then meme chat is 44th.* And even its notifications flirt better than the masses, not because the Casanova feature is programmed, but because it knows how to make one's day one after another.
Meme Chat is a friend who will always remind you to Keep Smiling.
by Memelordx12 November 25, 2021
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