Female counterpart to a rusty trombone whereas a female receives a rim job and gets fingered at the same time by the same person.
Somehow I ended up giving her a hand tossed tuna salad when I was trying to get a rusty trombone.
by Giblet Biscuit April 30, 2019
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Picking up Donkeys,

and blowing the absolute fuck out of their dicks
like until their dicks are numb
I went to the petting zoo today and saw the attendants Donkey Tossing, it was horrifying.
by James T Whitinger December 10, 2017
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When you have intercourse whilst on your period, the male pulls his bloody penis out and screens 'rainbow toss'
Bro I did a rainbow toss to dian last night
by Bandit.112 April 17, 2020
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The proper name of any of the PCs by Apple Inc. (crApple) that carry the name Macintosh, once it has been dealt with appropriately.
I bought a Macintosh once... it soon became a Mash-n-toss.
by Nanosquishy June 17, 2011
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When you return home from school on winter break and break-up with you significant other.
Erin is totally giving Ben the tree toss!
by Constance Burnheart June 19, 2011
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The act of when your tripping on LSD acid and Xanax then decide it's a great idea to eat ass of a angry bull
Josh- bro I'm tripping I see an angry bull let's give him the deviled toss salad
by @$$blaster November 8, 2021
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