Basically if vine and musically had a baby.
Exemple 1: hey Emily let's go do some tiktoks
by Ur mom uno reverses December 24, 2019
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A idiotic app that children use with stolen copyrighted music; They usually are 4-12 and they can't be original, pedophiles also seem to come there a lot.
Pedo man 69: oi josuke little girl, gimmie ur nudes
girl: ok mr.pedophile man.
pedo: haha get catfished. loLoloLoloLoLOLOLLllOlOLLl!12!1111
girl: ok TikTok sucks
by i_Fucked_ur_mum_last_night February 17, 2021
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person one: your on tiktok ?
person 2: yeye it’s jokes
by yeyeye yeyeyeyy September 8, 2019
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A cringe platform for teenage girls to dance hoping a teenage boy sees their shit or a place for random dumbasses to do their roblox text to speech shit and or also random life hacks
The upside is It khaby.lame
I followed yo mama on Tiktok also

by Fatnoob360 September 1, 2021
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Welcome to TikTok: A place with Famous people who steal videos by not famous people and everyone is quitting because of TikTok shadow banning them for exactly no reason
TikTok is shadow banning me for no reason!
by Canadian Keyboard October 16, 2019
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Everyone that uses/ watches TikTok has broken humour, very lonely or has a load of time on there hands or very bored.
Friends:" Look at this tiktok" *base boosted hamster*
Other Friend: *Bursts out laughing* "I could watch this all day"
by BigBoi_3000 May 27, 2022
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Don’t let ur kids use tiktok
by ShagunOfc February 27, 2022
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