This is a joke that claims that a males balls are as strong as steel; usually making fun of superman's iconic descriptor "Man Of Steel".
"Im going to ask Brody out today."

"Shit you got Balls Of Steel"
by Pcdop September 25, 2022
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When something is repeatedly tempting you but never makes it to end. In movies, manhwas, mangas, books etc. when something is having placxe but never comes to climax in one chapter.
Blue Balling:
Fight is taking place but the results are being show in next chapter. (manhwas, mangas)
by HiddenObserverOfAll July 17, 2023
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When a zombie apocalypse show gives you just enough to make you watch it but not enough action to satisfy.
"This new season of 'The Walking Dead' is so's giving me a nasty case of Z-balls."
by KennedyisFunny October 31, 2011
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When you attend a live musical act expecting to hear a certain song along with other great songs but the performing act does not play said song.
"Fuck! The Ghost Inside didn't play "Deceiver," my musical blue balls are off the fritz right now"
by jdrummerb December 13, 2014
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Audacity, as viewed by a feminist woman. A man who degrades women without shame and is being a bitch but cannot be called a bitch because the word bitch by itself is for females. Women Unite.
Can you believe the bitch balls on that dude... wanting anal on a first date?
by peterpene June 3, 2011
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when your friend does something cool/weird as shit
Friend 1: I drank like 7 liters of vodka and wine
by Vaksej November 8, 2021
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big juicy mega balls
damn boi, hes got a comically large mega balls dude!
by 69Baki69 August 6, 2022
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