A substitute of Netflix and chill. Instead of watching a movie in the background and fucking the brains out of the other participant, netflix and love ambiently plays a pop culture film to distract the two viewers from their inescapable loneliness. It adds normalcy to their weighted plight to reach another soul as they gaze into another’s eyes. Assigning every aspect of people they love to the otherwise stranger in front of them, a true intimate moment is reached by both parties.

A result of loneliness and the willingness to love without reason
Mentally ill lover mindset: I’m destined to be alone. I want to feel held tonight. I’m going on tinder to find some Netflix and love
by Vagabondidiot November 12, 2022
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An over-used Letterkenny, Co. Donegal slang phrase for anything that is just so lovely that you have to caption it in every Snapchat story or Instagram post. Most commonly used by degenerates and reprobates who think they’re quirky. Also spelled in many forms just to make sure you’re a unique “lovely jist” type of person.
*Boy goes on a night out and buys a pint and takes a snap of it and can’t think of a caption for their Snapchat story*
“Lovely just”
“Lovely jiiiiist”
Lully jeeest”
Luvly jeet
You get the picture.
by Ryprobate November 1, 2021
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Not be confused with OCD, ODD which are real diagnosis rather than something some kid just made-up
ODLD stands for Obssesive Dream Loving Disorder, it refers to a disorder of obssively loving Dream (the minecraft YouTuber)
• Dream connected gender or/and orientation (notably: "dreamgender")
• Calling someone who doesn't like dream by (pseudo)slurs
• Prefering dream/drem pragmatic treatment (pronouns)
• Being a dream fanboy on twitter

The world's TikTok big pharma health association stated that "considering modern scientific research on the fields of psychology of ODLD, point to the induction that ODLD affects 1 in 150 people, it is considered about as common as the previous diagnosis of Empathetic Cutie Overload Common Disorder and Dance Cow Friend Condition"
"Lol that motherfucker has ODLD (Obssesive Dream Loving Disorder)!!" ~Uninteligent 23
"Better than Transgender Fucking Disease" ~Some fuck-fuck
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When you’re getting the Gabagoo and say “I love you” as you have a God level orgasm
Amazing healthy boyfriend: You know when I was rearranging your guts, 💦 you love nutted.

Me: what’s a love nut? 😂

Bf: When you uncontrollably said ILOVEYOU at the top of your lungs when I was beatin it from the back n hitting your g spot , rubbing your clit, n biting your ear

Me: 🥲🤤🥰
by Caution Hot Coco January 11, 2023
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Love blindness is an emotional version of color blindness where a person interprets red flags as giant green just-fucking-go-for-it flags.

The term love blind was coined by Keeley Jones, one of those "they" that name stuff.
Keely proposed that she and Rebecca were perhaps love blind for ignoring so many red flags in previous relationships.
by SpockAwesome April 27, 2023
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A statement which you respond to by saying "IN THE ASS"! You can also initiate the conversation yourself by telling someone that Jesus loves them. After hesitating a bit, you can add the additional "IN THE ASS" part to the end of your statement.
by ANOTHERDEADROMEO April 30, 2023
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when family members tries to date opposite sex/gender cousins or brother and sister trying to date each other and marry each other...feeling so close like best friends or better, always being together and having sex together. its frown upon because the babies come up deformed or and retarded
we kept our love a secret. secret love.
by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ April 22, 2022
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