What are available at da chapel's erectory as an after-sermon incentive for cranky hot-in-da-crotch teenage boys to attend said boring hypocritical speeches.
Clergy may actually have to resort to offering church CERVIXES to get da community's youths to come to the church SERVICES, if merely serving "ice cream sunday" portions fails to attract them.
by QuacksO January 28, 2023
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When there's a fuck ton of traffic on a Sunday night.
Morgan "Why is there so much damn traffic"
Adam "I don't fucking know; night church?"
by Adam Dabel July 31, 2017
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A woman, often a widow or spinster, who is very actively involved with her local church but for reasons of self-importance, the opportunities afforded for gossip, loneliness or boredom rather than strong religious belief.
The church hens were furious at the changes made by the new Vicar.
by ThePillenwerfer February 15, 2023
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Ms. Mar is back at church. She is such a church sissy.
by RobCDC December 30, 2017
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someone’s son or daughter who is a satanist who’s forced to go to church on the down low
maggie: oh look patrick is in our church group
stefan: don’t say that maggie patrick is a church moth
by qq.madi November 21, 2021
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