a game similar to Russian Roulette but with Rifles and different rules
rule #1 the Rifle holes need to be next to another one
rule #2 they have to blast into eachother until they one of them turns into Powder
rule #3 the gun that has been turned into Powder first has to be snorted by the opponent making the opponent win
Daddy: Salty pig! what did i tell you about throwing crack at your Little Brother?!
Salty: shut up! Fatass
Daddy: i'll show you a Fatass!
Both: loads Rifel and start playing Gunpowder Overdose
by the German Horse Worder December 9, 2021
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when a person listens to music that they don't like. mostly rap.
Sarah:Have you listened to that new song by lil wayne?
John: Yeah but I got lyrical overdose so i listened to metallica.
by g.tan January 25, 2011
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What you get when you combine heroin, cocaine, booze, molly, and meth
Dee Dee Ramone died of a heroin overdose at 49. Not surprising, considering he was a total junkie
by pro2a July 16, 2020
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