it Is a gay fighting move used during sex
Gary: “yo did you just use spontaneous anal combustion on that kid yesterday”
Peng: “ yes, is there something wrong with that?”
Liam and mai: “yes that’s fucking gay”
by Kim Hong Kong September 8, 2019
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Some people's buttholes just fuckin fall off randomly. This happens a lot in Norway.
I was diagnosed with Spontaneous Butthole Evacuation Syndrome
by The Gulath Clan March 8, 2019
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To be aroused sexually; to get a boner without expecting
Kelly spontaneously showed up when Jeris was on a road trip to Wyoming with the guys.
by CougarCrazies July 11, 2008
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A rapidly growing phenomena where a guitar in a public place inexplicably ignites, destroying the instrument and often severely injuring the person holding it.

Most theorists agree that it is a karmic occurrence, brought about by the disruption of peace in the universe, by a growth in the crust punk trend, specifically in the American Midwest.

Guitars tend to explode at a high enough temperature to ignite dirty clothing and greasy hair, so it is typical for the person holding to guitar to catch fire as well. Not surprisingly, there has never been an incident recorded where someone has tried to extinguish a victim of SGC, though many have admitted to thanking God after witnessing the miracle.

Researchers have been trying to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between SGC and the Mayan prediction of the 2012 apocalypse. Nostradamus' prediction has already been connected when astronomers discovered a constellation depicting SCG, perfectly situated with the predicted alignment of the planets on the day of the Rapture.

The majority of recorded cases have occurred in coffee shops, to victims who have been described as crust punk, gutter punk, and hippy.
When the crust punk's strumming was brought to an overdue end by Spontaneous Guitar Combustion (SGC), the entire coffee shop applauded.
by the 1,000wordsmith December 22, 2009
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SDD or Spontaneous Dabbing Disorder is a mental illness which causes spontaneous and uncontrollable dabbing.

It affects some victims more than others from some dabbing every 10 - 20 minutes, to some dabbing almost every 2 minutes or even less.
I suffer from SDD (Spontaneous Dabbing Disorder)
by MagSwagg September 20, 2017
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When a person in a group of friends starts to like someone, many other people in that group also begin to like that person.
I liked Haley first and then all you guys started liking her. You all just have Spontaneous Group Infatuation Syndrome. You dumb pricks.
by Sleet October 5, 2009
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