some people

usually if someone is doing something to annoy you or make you upset, so you could say some people.
My parents wouldn't stop harassing about losing my job, ugh some people.
by hansolo123 January 10, 2017
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some people's children

1. a phrase used to describe something strange, unusual, mean, cruel, or just plainly something you wouldn't do that a person or more than one person did that you saw.

2. a phrase used to describle people that were not brought up by their parents very well
Allison and Lacy saw some boys run an old lady off the sidewalk purposely when they rode their bikes by her really fast.

Allison: That was rude!
Lacy: Yeah.. some people's children
by PixieKittie October 22, 2005
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unlike some people

A phrase often used sarcastically about someone.

It’s almost always used by mean girls to describe someone they don’t like in the most passive aggressive away ever.
erson 1:Omg she looks so good girl!

Person 2: yeah, unlike some people *looks at nerdy girl in the corner*
Person 1 and 2: *laughs*
by I MIGHT KILL MY EX July 13, 2023
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When people call you gay for slurping on your homies massive, succulent, juicy, delicious nuts once and thats Being gay according to some people
Being gay according to some people
by PushingBEnjoyer March 30, 2022
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phrase--A response to a statement to which you care nothing about. From Chappelle's Show.
Guy: Oh no! I'm gonna be late for work!
Me: Yeah, and some people like cucumbers pickled. So?

Guy: If you don't move your car, the neighbors are gonna throw a fit!
Me: Yeah, and some people like cucumbers pickled.
by roller June 4, 2005
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When you stumble upon a confrontation between a super mutant in a power armor and two Enclave soldiers against random farmers.
by DogaoBR July 22, 2019
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A comment chain started by ToaLegend and was first seen on Jschlatt's, "I am disgusted." YouTube video. It is now a virus that has spread throughout many YouTube channel's comment section.
Me: oh cool, a new video from (insert channel)
Also me: *checks comments while watching*
Truly disgusting that some “people” would do this horrible thing.
Truly disgusting that some “people” would do this horrible thing.
by 2k._j4y February 6, 2021
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