Noun; the derivation/interpolation of facts, pseudo-fact, heresay, bespoke belief(s), propaganda, or any combination that creates a broad-stroke popular foundational narrative that, although partially true, is extremely difficult to disestablish once generally accepted.
Big pharma lobbyed for a scientific Roganization of the new cancer treatment drug, which speedily commuted it's targeted populace consumption.
by Troll Daddy March 8, 2022
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To derive and opinionize science or pseudo-scientific facts and/or opinions to form a real world narrative that conflicts or aligns with laden fact, often to generate public dialogue or controversy.
The big pharma lobbyists presented a sub-par roganization of data at the hearing which prevailed in a speedy commute to public consumption.
by Troll Daddy February 28, 2022
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100 million, but cooler.

A unit of measurement.
I thank you A Joe Rogan times over =
I thank you 100 million times over

I’ve done DMT A Joe Rogan amount of times
by Death over eternity October 14, 2020
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Where is it? He supported the trans. You gotta tell your followers to boycott him now.
Hym 'Yeah, where's the Joe Rogan Boycott? I wasn't joking. It seems pretty inconsistent of you to call for the boycotting of some of the trans supporters and not the Joe Rogan for drinking bud light... Hmm... I wonder why that is...."
by Hym Iam April 19, 2023
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The act of roganization. The interpolation of subjective, controversial fact pseudo-fact, conspiracy theory, or personal opinion which forms a real world narrative that becomes sustainable and potentially foundational to a given society.
Choosing to roganize all of the data, including the less than factual, falsely created a logical narrative that proved extremely difficult to deconstruct to those who chose to initially accept as truth.
by Troll Daddy February 28, 2022
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Referring to Rogans Best Friend, particularly a freshmen that doesn’t like to take the blame for being Rogans sidekick. A fiend that likes to get pushed into lockers. (Rohan-Junior) ( fiendy freshmen)
Example: “Fiend(no name mentioned) why do you blame a junior(no name mentioned) for being Rogans BSF(best friend)
by PandaBoxer000_[ December 12, 2022
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