when you are at a social function with a mixed company of friends and strangers and when it comes time for you to leave, you take a drink from a strangers glass right before leaving. Preferably this will happen as you are saying goodbye to everyone and the attention is on you.
I was down at the bar when I noticed how late it was, so rushed out of the bar and accidentally Robertson goodbye-ed. So today I'm pretty sick. :/
by pseudo-sudo April 22, 2021
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Lewis Robertson is a boy with adhd and will kick yer grans teeth in if he doesn’t have his fucking medication
Look that’s that adhd kid Lewis Robertson
by Lghkhkjk January 6, 2020
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A strange creature that is know to prey on special need children
"Hey did you see David Robertson overthere"
"Yeah I think he's targeting some kids"
by Nick371 August 30, 2022
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A strange creature that is know to prey on special need children
"Hey did you see David Robertson overthere"
"Yeah I think he's targeting some kids"
by Nick371 August 30, 2022
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A bitch who thinks she can talk shit and not get shit back
Me: Ayo, did you hear bout the person who was chatting shit?

Them: Yea it was Bethany Robertson
by leua September 10, 2020
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A beautiful girl who speaks her mind whether it hurts your feelings or not. She is an amazing singer. She is a person who will knock you out of you get on her bad side... 😂
Boy/ Dang.. Do you see her? She knocked the crap out of that guy...

Girl/ that's Leeanna Robertson

Boy/ ahh that makes sense.
by Haha_you_thought December 23, 2016
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Someone who is such a good athlete, they must be on PED’s.
Grant runs in another touchdown. He definitely is this team’s ego robertson today.
by Johnny Mildsauce October 1, 2020
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