When you pull out to nut on her face but you miss so you spit on her face instead.
Dave: Hey I fucked my girlfriend last night.
Patrick: How'd it go?
Dave: Redemption.
Patrick: What the fuck?
by Professional Educator September 22, 2020
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A Faction on MineSuperior made mostly of rando's that like vagina.
Redemption split Illusion
by Simpville August 23, 2020
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Redepmt (ɹɪˈdɛmpt)

Compensate for the faults.
Getting saved from sin, error, or evil.
A return to the pure state of soul, mind, augustness or morale.
"I have redempt my funny."
"The king redempt himself to be worthy of wearing the crown again"
"He was no longer trustworthy but he redempt himself"
by Aki sensei September 14, 2023
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it is a better and cooler-sounding version of redeem.
when you beat your friend in redemption you might say, "redempt these nuts"
by stankystanky March 19, 2021
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Redempt (ɹɪˈdɛmpt)

Compensate for the faults.
Getting saved from sin, error, or evil.
A return to the pure state of soul, mind, augustness or morale.
"I have redempt my funny."
"The king redempt himself to be worthy of wearing the crown again"
"He was no longer trustworthy but he redempt himself"
by Aki Fella September 14, 2023
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When you haven't chawed in the longest time due to a bitchy girlfriend or some anti-dipping activity. basically a buzz-reunion
Just finished basketball season... time for a chawshank redemption
by chawshankredemption November 8, 2011
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When you dip your balls in coleslaw and drag them across someone's face.
Sounds like she needs a "Slaw Slap Redemption".
by Tyler_Derby_Tittyslap November 13, 2015
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