Created by Cannon Christensen in Tennessee, fax no printer is a humorous term used to describe something agreeable
Bro Keaton is mid
Fax no printer
by Willbilliam October 3, 2023
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The most rare and conserved substance, followed closely in cost by antimatter
I had to print my poster the day it was due so the school library made me pay $2.50 to print a single side in color. That damn printer ink drained my savings account faster than the school desktop took to pull up my document
by noob_chungus_3D October 15, 2022
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something you buy, and it seems like you need it again after 2 minutes
p1: "printer ink is so expensive"
p2: "ikr"
by ihfsdihaoifd September 25, 2021
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The concept that, in any given conversation about the price of warhammer models, someone will say "printer go brr" or some other statement about their use of a 3d printer.
"Wow these models are really expensive! $75 for 100 points!"
"Printer go brrr."
"Ah, classic printer theory."
by danceinthewind March 17, 2022
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derogatory term for IT employees who think too highly of themselves
That Tony guy over in IT acts like he's God because he un-jams the Xerox every other day...I could do that printer monkey's job. I know how to use Google too.

If that printer monkey asks me if I restarted my laptop one more time I'm going to strangle him with my 5 ft USB cable.
by paula. July 1, 2014
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