to be a pussy, soft, fake, cant bak shit up...soft.
wuza pie azz nigga thrOw it down now bitch..!!
by NATALIE July 16, 2004
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pie...ets nice...sum ppl can eat entire pies wivoot bein sik...*schlick mofo face*

can b used as a random frase 2 shout....randomlay....yeah...PIE!

not 2 b confusd wiv pi (3.145reh...)..BIG mistake...u cannae eat tha

whitesnake rote a kickass song aboot *schweet cherray pie* which ROCKS but yet agen is not *culinararay....(wtf)* implied...ah fuck this...
dont FUCK wiv our pie.....

shes my cherray pie...doodoobeedoobeedoo...etc...

bye bye miss american pie...drove ma chevay 2 t levay...but t levay wa dry....waaaaaaaaaaaaaay\m/yesh geeeez
by razza...(matazza) hehehe January 8, 2005
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a person who eats large quantities of food
bridget is a pie. She has had 10 huge packets of crisps today; a whole bag of donuts; 5 tubs of ice cream and 10 hot dogs
by kate2340 August 11, 2005
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a description for a person behaving in any manner that is annoyingly uncool(if u have ever eaten a cold meat pie you'll get it)
shmo:i just bought the latest blah...blah ...blah
joe: dude you are such a pie
by souslaterre October 12, 2007
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A word used to describe a person whose fortitude is questionable, usually used in a derogatory sense. Originated in South Florida. see also panman.
You's a pie ass bitch!!
Man that nigga is fuckin' pie.
by dickslapmaster March 28, 2005
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