A student taking one or more philosophy elective, usually to feel intelectual and smug while not pursuing a career in the field. Commonly loud-mouthed mature-age psychology majors. Especially unberable when taking advanced courses.
Person #1: Hey, how is this new course going?

Person #2: It's shit. These philosophy tourists from economics keep crapping on about irrelevant bullshit.
by poopiepoos March 11, 2010
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The philosophy of hipsters that is only known by those that are hipsters. Either you know it or you don't.
Elijah not only knows, but lives by hipster philosophy.
by ChubbyWubbyBear July 7, 2011
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The Canadian Encyclopedia has called the Kabalarian Philosophy the world's smallest religion. Founded in the 1930s by Alfred J. Parker, this philosophical religion teaches the Mathematical Principle relating mathematics, language, name, mind, and Consciousness.

The Philosophy teaches that the name, being composed of mathematically ordered symbols of language, represents a mathematical formula that influences an individual's entire life. They teach that name is the means by which the abstract forces of Consciousness are brought into form through these name formulas.

They offer Name Reports to validate this teaching, and balance names to bring these forces into harmony. They teach that unbalanced names adversely influence health, limit success, and disturb one's overall happiness, harmony, and balance.

Their website has over 750,000 brief name analyses to demonstrate this theory.
The Kabalarian Philosophy balances names to improve the overall health, happiness, and well-being of the child or adult.
by daken October 16, 2008
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The philosophy of one who is both sexy and suave. The style in which they pick up guys/girls.
by Aya March 3, 2005
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The simply philosophy is the only philosophy you need to approach life with. When you don’t want to do something, simply don’t. If you’re overthinking about something, simply don’t. Just live life simply.
I didn’t want to be at school today, so I simply left. That’s the simply philosophy brother
by inurmumsvag October 13, 2022
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Sierra- "My exboyfriend is a dick"
Dylan- "Don't be sad, just use the Dylan Philosophy"
by Sierra Fresh July 11, 2008
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Gorgeous dark haired male, with dark seductive eyes and ugly red shoes. Very opinionated and has a nice voice.
You remind me of the Philosophy guy.
by Gargoyle August 13, 2003
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