One of the better parts of the city of Toledo. It is still overran by crack heads, noisy fucks driving their fast cars, sexy black women and abandoned houses. Point Place used to be a decent place to live, back before people actually lived here. It has quickly became a jobless hellhole and should be avoided at all costs.
by TacoMann February 7, 2010
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A song from the Wilco album "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" that contains recordings from shockwave radios that were used to communicate with spies. The spy recordings would later get Wilco sued.
John was upset after Wilco did not play any shockwave radio recordings in their live performence of "Poor Places."
by Holy God of Frank November 23, 2006
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Similar to that of a happy place, a place in your mind where you can be at your horniest.
Upon seeing a life-size poster of Sakura Kasugano Alex entered his Sexy Place!
by ninja_720 April 17, 2011
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The be number 1, to not be number 2.
Hey Justin! Guardians of the Galaxy has been 1st place for 3 weekends in a row so go see it cunty!
by DangoAteYoBabyMate September 7, 2014
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1> Dude, I did alright. I came in second.
2> Man, second place is first loser!
by MoonKnight November 24, 2002
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A 1000x1000 pixel canvas where redditors feel they are bonding with one another even though they’ve spent the last three hours arguing over spelling .com as .cum
A: I used to date this ugly, sad, disgusting, short, vile, unfunny, smelly, weak, hairy, boring, creepy cuntbag.

B: He must have had Reddit.

A: even worse! He was a mod of a subreddit for r/place.

B: holy fuck
by king girl coochie April 5, 2022
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potentially the best comedy of the 1980's. witty, dark, and oozing a total disregard for political correctness. a truly hilarious piece of film.
Randolph: There's nothing wrong with that man. He is simply a product of poor enviornment.

Mortimer: Of course there's something wrong with him...he's a negro...probably been stealing since he could crawl.
by Lord Liger March 23, 2005
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