2 definitions by king girl coochie

THE SEXIEST MOFO ALIVEEEEEE!!!!! A gay who will aboslitely destroy your heart with one look of his orbs
He’s fucking chuuya because he’s also known as daddy Dazai
If someone calls you a Dazai it means they are extremely attracted to you and want to have hardcore anal sex with you! They also think you’re penis is a foot long!
“Wow you’re such a dazai! “
“.......should I get the lube?”
by king girl coochie February 12, 2021
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A 1000x1000 pixel canvas where redditors feel they are bonding with one another even though they’ve spent the last three hours arguing over spelling .com as .cum
A: I used to date this ugly, sad, disgusting, short, vile, unfunny, smelly, weak, hairy, boring, creepy cuntbag.

B: He must have had Reddit.

A: even worse! He was a mod of a subreddit for r/place.

B: holy fuck
by king girl coochie April 5, 2022
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