"that guy gave me cum nits!"
"i think i have cum nits"
by Hannah Ilett February 10, 2008
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defined term used from the latin root: shit

slang for crap,crappiness, and or smelly material
" take an effing shower you smell like shizz nits"
by kenzeroo May 9, 2009
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a new Canadian term for a person obsessed with others' spelling and grammar, even in online chat rooms and other such informal settings.
person a) stop being such a nit-pick

person b) what's a nit-pick?

person a) a grammar Nazi in Canadian English

person b) oh ok, but er isn't there an informal grammar for chatrooms and stuff?

person a) not IMHO
by Sexydimma February 10, 2015
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1. A word that retards use to describe something cool.
2. A word used in place of shit.
1. That is the shiz-nit yo!
2.Oh shiz-nit! I stuck my penis in the electrical outlet again!
by A. Blake December 3, 2003
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A term used to describe what a person does when over photoshopping every picture they take, to the point that it looks terrible. They usually believe that their photos can always look better and use way too many filters, effects and tools to ruin them.
Why does Felisha always nit pic every photo she takes with her digital camera? They look better before she messes with them.
by Tex-Mex Shawn C. September 21, 2010
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A combination of shit and snot, which, if you're slapped hard enough up side the head, you'll lose some of both.
"If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll slap the schniz-nit out of you!"
by NWRainman January 11, 2021
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