Kurt Cobain (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994)
was an american musician, best known as the lead singer,
guitarist and songwriter of grunge band Nirvana. Kurt is almost universally characterized as a tortured soul, the voice of alienated young people in America and beyond.

Throughout most of his life, Cobain suffered from chronic bronchitis and intense physical pain due to an undiagnosed chronic stomach condition. In the midst of self medicating his physical, mental and emotional angusih, Cobain used heroin sporadically for several years. By the end of 1990, his use developed into a full-fledged addiction.

On April 8, 1994, Cobain's body was discovered at his Lake Washington home at the age of 27. (Cobain's body had been lying there for days.) Cobain was known to be suicidal. And, although Cobain's death was officially ruled as suicide, certain aspects about his death (inconclusive evidence) have led to speculation that his death was homicide and many people beleive he was murdered by wife, Courtney Love. His so called suicide note was written to Boddah, his imaginary friend.

Kurt was an introspective and highly empathic person, he struggled with depression, physical pain and the commercial success of Nirvana until the end.

The Beatles were an early and important musical influence on Cobain. Cobain expressed a particular fondness for John Lennon. Lennon's song "In my Life" was played at Cobain's funeral.
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are”

"Humans are dumb. Ashamed to be a human."

"Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, 'nirvana' means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock."

“If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got.”

"Peace, Love, Empathy."

- Kurt Cobain
by PoeticPoetry September 28, 2009
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Just pointing out some things about Kurt's death that haven't really been brought up (at least not as much).

I'm not gonna write down the many, many facts and details contributing to the murder theory. Just gonna name some things that have come to mind.

1. Kurt's sense of humor: Kurt had a very dark sense of humor. This is evident in songs like "I Hate Myself and Want To Die." While Kurt brought up suicide a good deal, he wasn't actually a suicidal guy who hated life. He mentioned in the "About A Son" interviews that he often looked depressed and angry when in fact he was in a good mood. This is just his natural expression. He liked to have fun, and if you watch videotapes of him with the band, you can see he's obviously a very humorous, light-hearted person, not the depressed, morose person he is often made out to be.

2. Kurt's relationship with Courtney: Kurt was very much in love with Courtney and defended her early on in the relationship. But as time went on, things began to change. Kurt, who was Bipolar, began to form a tumultuous love/hate relationship with her. He was on the verge of divorcing her, prior to his suicide (which would have lost Courtney a lot of his money).

3. Kurt's songwriting: I believe that two of his songs have messages singling out or referring to his broken relationship with Courtney. First, in "All Apologies" he mentions the lines "married/buried" in the chorus. All Apologies itself could be a song denoting his perceived failure in their relationship, perhaps his way of saying he feels its not working out. Kurt didn't like to express his thoughts and emotions upfront, and they often seeped into his songwriting and performances. Secondly, refer to the lyrics in "You Know You're Right," the last song Kurt wrote, prior to his death. The lyrics include "never speak a word again/I will crawl away for good"; this could reference his plan to divorce her. "No thought was put into this/I always knew it would come to this" could reference his increasing wish to leave the marriage.

More lines from the song:

- "I'm so warm and calm inside/ I no longer have to hide" Perhaps he felt happy of his plans to retire from music, and he'd no longer have to hide the fact that he hated performing (mentioned in the "suicide" note)

- "Nothing really bothers her/ she just wants to love herself" Again referencing the chaos of their relationship

- "I will move away from here/ you won't ever have to fear" Again, expresses his desire to leave Courtney and the music business.

"You know you're right" Perhaps Kurt is talking to himself with these lines, reassuring himself that his plans are the right ones. Or, possibly, a sarcastic attack at Courtney.

It seems a little suspicious that Courtney so vehemently wanted this song to NOT be released after Kurt's death. She performed a live version of the song, changing some of the lyrics as well. It seems Courtney had something to hide about this song....

4. Drug use: Many people have blamed Kurt's death on his drug use. However, despite his use, he was known for being anti-drugs. He stated this in the "About A Son" interviews. Kurt smoked marijuana recreationally, but only used heroin as a means of alleviating the pain of his stomach condition, caused by scoliosis.

5. Courtney's relationship with Billy Corgan: Before dating Kurt, Courtney had a relationship with Smashing Pumpkin's frontman Billy Corgan. While the details of speculation that Courtney cheated on Kurt with Billy when she dated him isn't fully known, this could possibly have caused a riff in the Kurt/Courtney relationship (also, it is possible that Billy was a factor in Courtney's possible desire to kill Kurt). Courtney and Billy have recently been seen together.

These are just a few lesser known opinions (strictly opinions and theories - the truth is yet fully known) of mine. I hope they've offered insight.
Kurt Cobain was murdered - visit Justiceforkurt.com to make an informed decision.
by bnastyflintmi March 11, 2009
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The lead singer of the Seattle based band Nirvana. Born on Feb. 20th and died on April 5 1994 at the age of 27 for reasons that defies everything the Seattle Police Department ever had to say. Many believes Courtney Love kill him and i don't disagree, in fact even Courtney's own dad accuses her of murder so now you tell me how the fuck did he die?
"O well, whatever nevermind"
~Kurt Cobain

From his song Smells like Teen Spirit
by Ellieramone@hotmail.com May 16, 2005
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Kurt Cobain, The lead singer of Nirvana. Kurts music changed the music industry in a way that is still evident today. He influences so many people with his amazing music and lyrics. The world was blessed with his talent and presence until april 5th, 1994, when he supposedly committed suicide. now i could ramble on for hours on all of the evidence that makes it CLEAR that he didnt committ suicide but ill just skip that and say that kurts true fans already know all of that and know in their hearts that he didnt kill himself but was killed by courtney love. nobody is ever going to forget Kurt. his music will keep him alive as it touches people each and every day. The world was a better place when you were with us, Kurt. RIP.
Nirvana- the greatest grunge/rock band of all time
by Brooke April 17, 2005
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Kurt Cobain was the frontman in the band of Nirvana. Many thought and still do think of him as a "legend", "idol", "god", etc. Kurt Cobain is just a guy, folks. I respect him for what his music but he's no greater or lesser than say, you, me, or even Jesse Lacey.
Kurt Cobain was the frontman in the band of Nirvana.
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one of the greatest musicians of all time. front man of the grunge band "Nirvana", and the voice of a generation. had a passion for art, though not much of his work was ever shown. married to Courtney Love, and had 1 child, a daughter, named Frances Bean Cobain (she's the spitting image of him!!!). comitted suicide in April of 1994. he will be loved and remembered forever.
Kurt, if you can see us now, you will know how much we all miss you. You were the greatest musician of all time and will always be remembered.
by Laura Samsel July 17, 2004
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1. A talented Rock Artist, R.I.P. (1967-1994)

2. A song made by very talented D12 rapper proof, R.I.P. (1973-2006)
1. Its a shame Kurt Cobain died, he was a good rock musician.

2. Its a shame Proof died, he was one of the best rappers ever, with songs like "Kurt Kobain".
by A hip hop head September 6, 2009
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