the sweetest most beautiful girl alive.

-sexy green eyes.
-perfect smile.
-everything a man could ever dream of.
-super cute
-Loved most by men with the name Connor.
nobody can love that kristy m as much as connor does...
by thatguyhim July 8, 2011
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The name that your phone auto corrects "Krispy Kreme" to.
John: Hey do you want to go to Kristy Keene?
Michael: Kristy Keene?
John: Oh sorry that was auto correct I meant Krispy Kreme
by Ralph_1032 September 5, 2019
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A posh way to refer to God.
"Oh my Kristy Penn!"
by SEXY BOIII September 22, 2008
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Dirty Kristie very happy and will do pretty much ANYTHING to ANYONE when alcohol is involved, but shy and quiet and won't make eye contact while sober
Dirty Kristie is out to have fun tonight, give her a beer.
by Kristieherself June 11, 2020
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