A man or woman that comes to you for attention between relationships, then ghosts you once they find a new man/woman. But then, comes right back once she’s single, until they find the next one. A repeating process.
Yo, Ashley is being a foster hoe again, she randomly hit me up all of the sudden. She must be single again
by Foster parent December 30, 2021
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Slang for that list a foster kid keeps in his head for later when he goes back to rob the scamming foster parents he had throughout the years.
Using my foster roster I’ll target the really greedy ones; I’ll make them pay.
by Dr Bunnygirl March 15, 2019
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The best band created, formed by the three sexiest men alive (in no particular order) Mark Foster, Mark Pontius (Ponci) and Cubbie Fink. Every time they play a song, a fan girl's ovaries explode. And that's okay. That's very okay. One day God wanted perfection, and BAM there was perfection. During live performances Isom Innis and Sean Cimino perform with them. Isom likes to bang the maracas in the most beautiful way.
"Foster The People made my ovaries explode during their live stream last night" "Oh, totally. I don't think I'll ever be the same after that Foster The People performance."
by Dr. Sexyfacemotherfucker November 5, 2011
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AGAINST: a way of punishing children through the ages of infants to 18 (and sometimes older) for what their parents did

FOR: a way to get children out of destructive homes and away form irresponsible parents
DOESNT MATTER WHAT SIDE: being a foster child is not amusing. foster children often can not socialize the way other children do
see depression
children under the age of sixteen stay with foster parents until reintegration with biological parents
sixteen year olds can choose if they would like to stay with a friend
congrads to all the fucking 16 yr olds
non-f-kid: my dad yelled at me for notmowing the lawn
f-kid: my dad wont let me live with him and my mom spent my chil support on crack if that helps with the pain
by leetenaciously June 3, 2005
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A very wise young lady who is passionate for theatre. She is a theatre gal, and her dream is to accomplish fame and become big. She is also smart in school, but lacks motivation to finish schoolwork. She has a 90 average, but struggles to keep the grind. In the end somehow, she manages to pull through. Saniah Foster if you are reading this, MEMORIZE ur lines and tell Britney too. Have a great day.
Wow how can Saniah Foster manage her life.
by I’m here November 23, 2018
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Someone who is right in front of me in ELA.
Christopher Foster is a nerd.
by Redpee November 9, 2021
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The best fucking band out there. Their albums are: Torches, Supermodel, and Sacred Hearts Club
You ever heard of Foster the People?
No, is that rap shit?
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