When a black midget woman and a white midget man have consensual sex. The white midget man pulls out and cums in the black midget womans mouth. Then the white midget man slaps the black midget woman on the back of the head causing the black midget woman to spit the cum everywhere.
Lets watch that porn called chocolate oreo midget fornication...
by chocolate meatlocker April 25, 2010
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Otherwise abbreviated to spell "fuck"
Baby, I think we're ready to move our relationship to the next level, and we can Fornicate Under Consent of the King
by TheLoneCommando117 October 21, 2017
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Translation of "fuck bitches get money" to back in the day with like George Washington and shit
Man 1: Man what time is it
Man 2: You know what time it is
Man 1: Naw like for real tho
Man 3 outta nowhere: Time to fornicate wenches acquire currency nigga
Man 1: Nigga you white
by rocko caine December 28, 2016
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An individual who does everything in his/her power to fornicate. They seize every opportunity to fornicate. They are in charge of fornication at a particular geographical location at a particular time.
Douglas is the chief fornicant of UDS
by Kong 20 November 27, 2022
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A subtler way of saying "Fuck Yeah!" Used in circumstances where the utterance of fuck is frowned upon.
Gentleman 1: "Shall we proceed to the club so we may make deluge upon the wenches?"

Gentleman 2: "Oh yes, fornicately!"
by Microseeka February 12, 2012
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having many different sexual partners; see slut;
If your horny, go see Sherry, she is a serial fornicator.
by jf2799 June 8, 2013
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