94 definitions by Vita Smart
describes a domineering, ill-advised, unadvised woman who goes around acting like a man, making all of her own decisions without the help of any man, doing whatever she thinks that she wants to do without consulting with her own father or her own husband, she represents no man, she represents herself, she wants rights
she is often found all up in men's faces trying to be "one of the boys" but she does not have a man of her own
sometimes she has a man who she runs, rules, and tells him what to do as if she is his man, basically she wish she could be a man but she can't because she's not a man and she won't be a man
it's hard for her to get along with men because she won't stop interrupting him in conversation, trying to boss him, and telling him what to do, only the easily controlled, docile, foolish men need apply for a position with her, she will either end up single, in an unhappy marriage to a man, or with a woman who will accept her rulership, her queendom
she's a baby mama, she's a wife, she's single
men made her that way or they let that happen to her, she may not have known
she got her own house, she got her own car, she got two jobs, she works hard, she's a bad broad with a tattoo sleeve and a bob haircut, sometimes she has a pixie cut but don't be fooled by looks or attire, she wants rights
she is often found all up in men's faces trying to be "one of the boys" but she does not have a man of her own
sometimes she has a man who she runs, rules, and tells him what to do as if she is his man, basically she wish she could be a man but she can't because she's not a man and she won't be a man
it's hard for her to get along with men because she won't stop interrupting him in conversation, trying to boss him, and telling him what to do, only the easily controlled, docile, foolish men need apply for a position with her, she will either end up single, in an unhappy marriage to a man, or with a woman who will accept her rulership, her queendom
she's a baby mama, she's a wife, she's single
men made her that way or they let that happen to her, she may not have known
she got her own house, she got her own car, she got two jobs, she works hard, she's a bad broad with a tattoo sleeve and a bob haircut, sometimes she has a pixie cut but don't be fooled by looks or attire, she wants rights
by Vita Smart August 5, 2022
"I allowed some white boys to raise their hand in class one at a time. I won't ever do that shit again. After I called on each one of them they all asked for permission to pick their ass. I made all of them sit on the floor in the corner until they get their dumbass minds right. Highly unlikely."
by Vita Smart August 14, 2022
"The white boy bangs his head on the concrete until he fractures his scull and puts himself in a coma. No one could stop him, he's unreasonable. There's no talking to him."
by Vita Smart August 14, 2022
a 400-year-long, generational BDSM sex game that white people didn't ever think that Black people would figure it out that they were playing BDSM with them the entire time.
"Me and my husband played slavery last night. I am the master's wife and my husband played like he's my farmhand. We snuck out together and his master found us right when we were about to have sex. Then the white master, my savior, hanged my husband by his neck until my negro husband died with a massive hardon. After that, me and me and my husband's white master had sex under my black husband's dead body. My white ass came like a hundred times. It was HOT. Next we're going to bury my black husband and I'm going to marry my hero white man next week. This is great! I want to play slavery all of the time! I'm winning!"
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
A more than 400-year old kidnapping and forced servitude that happened when white men feed themselves and their kids off of the hard work of Black men and their children. After all of that is over they all try to forget that it ever happened. The descendants of Black men wouldn't realize what was happening and they would blame themselves for all of their own problems as if they didn't know that their distant parents and relatives were all slaves.
Black Man: "I'm broke."
white man: "That's because slavery happened to your family and you need to catch up. I'm not going to help you out though. It's not fair. I'm not square. I am a pimp."
white man: "That's because slavery happened to your family and you need to catch up. I'm not going to help you out though. It's not fair. I'm not square. I am a pimp."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
catholic, pagan, fake faleshood holding a pitchform which is supposed to be the ruler of water, earthquakes, and horses but it's not because it's actually a made-up story that was invented in grease, it's just hair grease, no not really, it came from the country they call greece, its called greek
"You're giving me poseidon right now. Lots of poseidon."
"Well that's mighty catholic of me."
"It fits you."
"Well that's mighty catholic of me."
"It fits you."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022