Term for a state of inebriation (Drunk as Fuck), where the human in this state is so messed up he begins to resemble a toad (to ugly to be a frog) catching flies. A.k.a. The Bain.
Example: Well boys looks like the little guy is done for the night, he’s catching flies.
by CanadainSamsquanch August 9, 2011
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When a sista from another mista has a cameltoe, this is the secret girl code to use if you want to let her know.
Jessica: "OMG, Andrea, the camel flies at midnight!"

Andrea: "EEEK, thanks! I'll fix it."

Jessica: "Always got your back, gurlfrand."
by doodooadollop July 10, 2013
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The sole aspect of starvation that Mariah Carey allegedly finds unappealing.
When I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean, I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff.
by argv February 7, 2009
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A codename, stands for "Party at Darlene's Bar"
"So is the duck gonna fly at midnight?"
"Yup. We're gonna get so cronked"
by Mimi January 28, 2005
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large numbers -- all at once... generally used when referring to people getting married, engaged, hooking up ...
Nicole called, she just got engaged. They're dropping like flies these days!
by Anonymous May 3, 2004
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Normally found in between the legs or around the waist of a elderly woman who's cherry has not been popped
Dude, look at all of those fruit flies coming out of her zipper!
by doucheyfatsack August 6, 2008
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How time seems to go fast over a large period of time
Person 1: “Remember John?”
Person 2: Yeah, what about him?”
Person 1: “We meet him 6 years ago.”
Person 2: “Wow, how time flies.”
by an_account October 17, 2021
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