America's top black ambulance chaser parasite shyster lawyer.
Yo, pigs dropped Deonte but his moms call "Benjamins" Crump an she gonna git PAAAYYYED! He only takin fitty puhcent.
by Dakawn Vick April 26, 2021
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saying your adorable and want to kiss and hug u allll the time :)
you little crump nugget!
by vballchic<3 June 15, 2011
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To space out. Unresponsive to questions. Starring into space while someone is talking to you.
Man, that dude was crumped out, all he said was 'huh'
by topgas March 17, 2010
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Gin and tonic, the drink choice of champions. Respected the world over and enjoyed responsibly, The Crump Special is the embodiment of taste and refinement.
"I'll have a Crump Special!"
by Archimedes Torquemada September 17, 2008
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A Crazy Hoe Teacher Who is Deaf to one Kid and could hear Everyother Kid.
God! Ms. Crump! Didn't you not Hear that Kid Say that!
Ms. Crump: I didn't Hear Anything
by Kimmete Glenn April 24, 2011
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when two females rub together their crotches vigorously.
Courtney: Hey do you want to do some Crotch Crumping?
Emily: Sure, I would love too.
by CaCaCaCassie February 14, 2013
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