A guy online that is awesome who has a lot of games on steam. He's hella cool, and is cooler in real life. People use the name clips as a cool word instead of a name.
player1: Dude, that guy is so clips!

player2: O-M-G, i know
by Clips November 23, 2009
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A clipper is someone who is overly attached to his or her girlfriend. (often a mixture between being whipped and clingy)
Felix: Oi! Is Nathan hanging with the boys tonight?
Sam: Nah man he's clipped.
Felix: That sucks, he used to be such a ledge.
by felx SM August 20, 2015
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Nutting on a woman's back. Using a women's back as a canvas.
Pussy was so good, she had me out here clipping
by 5/6/93 July 21, 2017
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an act that involves you finding yourself clamped between two butt cheeks and your nose is in the butthole of a stranger. This said person proceeds to fart letting the methane seep within the nostrils.
Sung to the tune of a popular Gotye song ," But I didnt even know 'The Clip'!! But then I got clipped and my nose was in someone's butthole!l
by Clip creator May 8, 2012
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To have something attached to you that signifies that you are their bitch.
Bitch you just been clipped!
by AlexExtacy October 2, 2011
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To have sweaty, hot, sex
Lets have clip in the bed!
by MEEEfjklsdj March 29, 2008
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