In prison, to throw your feces and urine at the officers that come to feed you.
I slimed officer Johnson because he pissed me off.
by Calikanforous December 26, 2007
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a nipple infection that causes the nipples to ozze multiple colored chunky slime it also cause a rash, warts, and pimples to form around the nipple and any where the slime has touched the slime is highly contagious disease
by tommy and provolone January 25, 2009
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"Tys been sliming that chik all night"

"what you sliming for slimer?! you ent gonna get none!"
by LissiD June 23, 2009
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To continuously wire into your iphone in the hope of closing a girl at the end of each night.
He is known for his sliming. It's such a standard move to be sliming all night long on facebook and on whatsapp without being able to close.
by ABC KING May 29, 2011
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Prison Slang for inmate making like a chimpanzee when they engage in flinging. Look up Bing and you will realize what they're flinging. It's slang for using own waste as a weapon, it's extremely gross. This will torque those in polite company if you explain the term as it gets pretty damn graphic.
"Twenty-nine-year-old Danielle Strong is accused of throwing, spitting or smearing bodily fluids on a jail employee April 9. Each felony charge carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison and a $4,000 fine." as the website from PIERRE, SD noted a high profile case of the gross weapon of one's own spit, piss or feces. This is know as "Sliming" as I heard the term on Lockup when a nurse was talking about pulling feces out of her hair. Such criminals are sometimes are put in solitary naked.
by illinoishorrorman January 20, 2018
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tell when something is cool ,gangster, or disrepective
yo that was slime kid!
what you did was slime!
by joseph suriano October 17, 2005
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