A sexual maneuver popular in island communities populated by chain-smoking men with tiny penises, the recipient is mounted and subsequently fucked in their tracheostomy hole-- typically with enough force and velocity to cause the expulsion of dentures as the erect penis continues on its path out of the oral cavity.

Occasionally, after long sessions repeatedly entering the tracheostomy stoma and exiting the recipient's mouth, the penis can become entrapped, as the engorged head of the penis is unable to retract beyond the recipient's gumline. This condition is known as a Reverse Columbian Necktie.
"Tyler was humiliated and laughed at by his recently-crippled girlfriend and her nurses because his small penis couldn't penetrate during attempts at vaginal sex, and someone posted a video of him falling off her when his penis popped out while attempting a Columbus Side Car.

Swearing off women forever, Tyler decided that he would immediately break up with Jessica, quit his job, and move to Key West that very night.

Jessica started on him as soon as Tyler walked into her room to tell her goodbye, but he didn't care. As a parting gift, Tyler gave Jessica a Key West Necktie, walked out, and since he had a few hours before his flight, proceeded to have a few beers celebrating the first--and last--time he was able to leave a woman speechless.”
by Scoggy July 19, 2019
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Kung Fu Necktie:
- 1. - (v.) - During a blowjob, just prior to ejaculation, the guy pulls his penis out of the girls mouth, karate chops her and cums on her neck.

-2.- (n.) - A hipster bar in the Fisthtown section of Philadelpia patroned by the the once regular crowd of Johnny Brendas.
Jill: "So what happened with that girl last night?"
Ed: " I totally gave her a kung fu necktie!"
by InkaDink January 23, 2011
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When a man is engaging in intercourse with a woman while wearing a condom. When he is about to climax, he removes said condom and fastens it around his partner's neck like a common necktie. When the female gasps for air to avoid asphyxiation, the male ejaculates into her gaping mouth.
Male 1: Why does Ellen have that nasty scar on her neck? Did Ted give her a hickey?
Male 2: No, you ignorant fuck, Ted gave her a Nantucket Necktie.
by jaquescosteau September 2, 2010
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(n): An act of shame whereas a victim's throat is slit and their tongue is pulled out through the slit using the thumb and first finger as to make it appear that the victim is wearing a necktie.
John was "fronting" so Joe gave him an Indian Necktie. Now everyone knows John is Joe's bitch.
by Indian Burrial Groung Manager February 9, 2009
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Fallacious belief that something must be good because you shelled out a lot of money for it. From the joke about two nouveau-riche types who are standing next to each other at a party wearing identical ties. One says, "I got this tie for five hundred Euro". The other says, "That's nothing. I got mine for at least two thousand Euro." Not to be confused with the principal that if you buy cheap, you get cheap ... for a yuppie's necktie is never cheap.
Don't spend a hundred grand on a car. Only those who can't see through the yuppie's necktie fallacy do that.
by Fearman September 6, 2007
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A stain of blood on someones' shirt down the center of their chest after taking multiple wounds, such as gunshots from an outlaw known as Jesse James.
We have a sharpshooter on our hands, all the victims are wearing a Jesse James Necktie.
by nyxathid July 28, 2010
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A euphemism for autoerotic asphyxiation, popularized after actor David Carradine's death
-Whats with the red mark on David's neck?
-Probably gave him self a beverly hills necktie over lunch.
by XedMada November 11, 2009
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