This is the official definition of this word.
It is when you bust a nut in a girl's mouth and then piss in her mouth. She then gurgles it and swallows.
Person A: That chick Beth is a real nasty freak.
Person B: What do you mean?
Person A:When I had sex with her last night she told me to give her a mountain dew float.
by Carl H.... September 28, 2007
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"Hey dude I went to the Mountain Dew Prince's palace yesterday"
"Really? how was it?"
by Ms.Chiznet June 16, 2009
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Hey dude, does this Mountain Dew MDX taste like anything to you?

Yea, old Mountain Dew without the fizz.
by DOMitus Prime November 23, 2006
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When someone pees in a mountain dew bottle and closes the lid tight then puts it back into the vending machine or in the bottom of the machine so it will be later picked up by some thirsty shopper extremely retarded person (most likely a polish person)
"Hot damn I found a free mountain dew someone left in the bottom of the machine!" "Oh my God THATS NOT SODA.... ITS PEE!!"
Friend: "Hah! you got a Mountain Dew Suprise!"
by Flipzomg July 29, 2008
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1) Exactly what it sounds like, someone with an unhealthy addiction to the pepsi co product called mountain dew. This addiction can go as far as an addiction to drugs, but with less harmful side effects.

2) also used as code if someone wants to hide a relationship from X amount of people.
1) “my addiction to mountain dew is unhealthy, i just can’t seem to kick it to the curb.”

2) “i’m going to steal your heart!”
“You can’t steal what isn’t there, as my heart goes out to another... my mountain dew addiction, because i’m a mountain dew addict.”
“What the fuck...?”
by Sin Breezy July 2, 2019
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the essence of the gods before they made god.
jesuses granpa drank mountain dew throwback.
by F.JjJjJ January 15, 2020
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A person named Allen who ducks copious amounts of seman and uses mountain dew as a dick chaser.
Hey quit being a "mountain dew fag" allen.
by Fuckfuckassshit April 4, 2018
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