Girl: I'm not looking forward to dumping my boyfriend. I just know he'll make a scene.

Friend: Just put the kitten in the mailbox!
by J4Q December 25, 2010
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1. to make a mistake or screw up in a careless or stupid manner.

2. fail to perform as expected or live up to a responsibility.
"Bill really left the keys in the mailbox on that account..."
"The Mets have once again left the keys in the mailbox this season..."
by Chester Elkowitz November 4, 2011
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Commonly used on the app Discord. Can be used as a response for literally anything. Usually as a form of a GIF, so there would be a GIF of someone dancing with text saying "There's a pipebomb in your mail box."
Larry: "yo my pet rock died today :("

Bob: "There is a pipebomb in your mailbox".
by sagemilkglass September 7, 2021
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Unexpected monies coming through the mail, just when you need it most. Via parents,grandma, etc...

Any IRS refund arriving early. This is due too the Magic Mailbox (Effect)...
College Student: My Parents sent me Hundred Bucks for no reason...

Roomate: Horay For the Magic Mailbox ! We have beer moneyfor the weekend...

Husband: Honey the IRS refund check came early...

Wife: Thank You Magic Mailbox... We can use the extra money for the dinner party this weekend.
by v83image August 16, 2009
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It means that 2 video game characters are dancing with a text box "There's a pipebomb in your mailbox" its also means that there is LITERALLY a pipebomb in your mailbox. You could use it for trolling someone like on discord, tiktok etc. Yeah, don't fall for someone who posted 2 video game characters dancing on you like they're basically taunting you.
Me: "damn.. i actually wondered if something bad happens while i check the mail."

"There's a Pipebomb in your Mailbox"

Me: "OH SHI-"

Pipebomb exploded.
by peachyunc0l0 March 6, 2023
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The idea that someone is being shady without any actual proof, like a anonymous Shit smell in your mailbox. First occurred from a string of offenses reported on Next Door.
“Man, have you read all this stuff John Bolton has been Writing about Trump?”

“Dude, that guy is an asshole from Jump, he’s full of shit. Don’t let him Fart-in-your-mailbox”
by Calinonsurfer June 18, 2020
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The act of shoving a Potato in a woman's mouth, to muffle the noise, while she is being butt fucked.
"I hooked up with a hot Woman last night, and gave her an Irish Mailbox".
by Dirty Eyeball November 2, 2010
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