去(qiu) it "chwee meet"

A variation of qumit (koo meet).

Using the Chinese character 去, meaning go, this word means to attend MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
I got 29/30 in my Calc BC Finals
-qu mit?
by Migirl.alumni.harvard.edu April 16, 2020
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University of Waterloo. A Canadian university that embodies innovation, Science, and Engineering such that it rivals MIT.
UofT Student: Where do you go to School?

UW Student: MIT North
by MR_GOOSE November 2, 2018
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a slang term for a bra
I need to go buy some new tit mits from the store.
by BankDaBank July 22, 2008
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when one has one hand inserted in the vagina and the other hand inserted in the ass, holding her in a doggy position and making her grab your favorite dish out the oven.
I had hands deep in both holes open my hands like a over mit her mouth opened as I pull my hands together her mouthed closed around my pie then I could pull back and take that God damn pie you been oven mitted bitch
by kiwimike May 9, 2019
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"Man-Hit" When one takes a huge hit of marijuana or other substance that is smoke-able, letting it out afterwards for all to see. Can be a good or bad thing depending on if you smoke with greedy or cool people.
Did you see that fucking Mit? The shit fish-bowled the car in one hit.
by Rob Gangstuh September 15, 2008
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A term used in a way to say "Yo, wanna fight?" But sometimes you actually are talking about dropping a pair of mittens..
Gamer2: Yo man, you wanna drop the mits?

Person1: Dude, drop the mits.
Person2: Already dropped!
Person1: You sure about that?
Person2: I have like 35 pairs of mits waiting to be dropped, son!
by lulyarly April 3, 2009
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