A person, usually homeless, who is not necessarily straight or homosexual, just desperate. Not in relation to the song, it was developed after noticing that although no one of a socially 'normal' status would hit on him, the homeless population seemed to love Rabbit. Hobosexuals are basically just desperate for affection.
Hahaha! Did you see that hobosexual hit on Rabbit? I can't believe he took him up on it! What a bellend!
by Smackababy September 3, 2007
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1. When you kill a homeless person, then eat holes in it's dead body, then having sex with them.

2. to get turned on by people without homes, wether it be the arousing smell, or the fine taste in clothing.
"I invited this hobo over to my house last night. We had sex. I think im a hobosexual."
by Jack Hoff September 16, 2003
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A species much like the more common "bagwhore" the hobosexual is known for coming into a neighborhood and running through it like a case of Ebola hitting the African countryside, trading usage of their deadfish-like vagina in exchange for somewhere to dwell. Out of a intentional lack of respect for the bitch, they are usually allowed little more that a few feet of cover under a carport or at best half of a 2'*2' storage closet, a situation that will last no longer than 2 days usually, rarely last past that and never known to be more that a week before they are bounced in a mildly humiliating fashion...acting totally in shock of being ejected they quickly grab as much of the homeowners belongings as possible on the way out, usually being as loud as possible in yelling about how the items had been stolen from them by homeowner.
Dude , I totally messed up now. I needed to get laid and fell victim to that one chick that's been kicking it around the hood lately, that Jennifer girl...turns out she ain't shit but some hobosexual, and to top it all off, she's a horrible lay and ended up taking the family jewels when i kicked her out
by jimjones, omnibeing April 16, 2017
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This is a sexual orientation can be given at birth but is usually developed over your teenage years with hormones thriving. someone who is hobosexual is somebody who is without a place to live e.g. house/ tent/ persons womb/ school/ large refrigerator ( small if your desperate), but sexually engaging with someone/ something who is hobosexual while you are not, immediately makes you hobosexual full stop.
" yeah brah she was just sitting there in the gutter naked so i thought what the hell, so i guess that makes me hobosexual now"
by Butt plug joey March 8, 2017
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1. A regular person (or hobo) who fraternizes in a manner of sexual varity, with a (another) hobo
"Ren sad sweet hobosexual secks with teh HomoGoat"
"Ren" and "HomoGoat" are both hobos, and are therefore acting in a hobosexual manner.
by HawkEye July 26, 2003
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People who take advantage of other's poverty to fuck them in more ways than fucking them literally.
Example1: Man did u see him?he asked that poor lady to have sex with him if she needed to be dropped of the bus station..hobosexual!!

Example2: Yeh that lawyer is a real hobosexual, he takes up cases against the poor people who in some way assualt or trouble the rich ones and fuck them bad legally...cuz they cant present their case well as they have no mony to afford a gud lawyer!!
by Horney&Evil November 24, 2009
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