5 definitions by Butt plug joey

when you have masturbated/released so much that you can no longer move your hand up and down your penis (can not release any seamen either)without screaming out in huge agony. Usually occurs after hentai (scientists haven't been able to explain this supernatural phenomenon).
" No more hentai for me my penis cramp is so bad i just want to cut it off and put it in a hot dog bun"
by Butt plug joey March 8, 2017
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A lesbian/gay/attack helicopter couple that enjoy making choc chip cookies in the shape of their mums left nipples stuck together, while the cookies are in the oven (if they like them cooked some don't) they will fornicate in the bushes behind your house and then squirt seamen on your front door in the shape of two camels making fast and furious sex.
" OMG stop baking jesebel and zac your such Tania n Tyrel"
by Butt plug joey March 8, 2017
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This is a sexual orientation can be given at birth but is usually developed over your teenage years with hormones thriving. someone who is hobosexual is somebody who is without a place to live e.g. house/ tent/ persons womb/ school/ large refrigerator ( small if your desperate), by sexually engaging with someone/ something who is hobosexual while you are not, immediately makes you hobosexual full stop.
" yeah brah she was just sitting there in the gutter naked so i thought what the hell, so i guess that makes me hobosexual now"
by Butt plug joey March 8, 2017
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This is a sexual orientation can be given at birth but is usually developed over your teenage years with hormones thriving. someone who is hobosexual is somebody who is without a place to live e.g. house/ tent/ persons womb/ school/ large refrigerator ( small if your desperate), but sexually engaging with someone/ something who is hobosexual while you are not, immediately makes you hobosexual full stop.
" yeah brah she was just sitting there in the gutter naked so i thought what the hell, so i guess that makes me hobosexual now"
by Butt plug joey March 8, 2017
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When you hear or are listening to a catchy song or piece of music while fapping, and start moving your hand to the beat. You will often be able to hold your load longer which os always a plus.
"Turn of jacob i really want to blow my load before mum walks in, this rythmic masturbation is really annoying."
by Butt plug joey March 22, 2017
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