"Ah mate I smashed this chick last week."
"Oh yeah! Any good?"
"Mate im telling you! It was like a Gnat's nostril!"
by jem stiltshire January 20, 2014
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A nickname for a small 'fruit fly' type animal that is actually a gnat.
We found a gnat and named him Gnat Turner.
by Miss Janky July 16, 2008
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Gnatty Gnat is a peepee head butt face tooty pants that is meannnnnnn and smells like a wet shart. She farts a lot and they always sound juicy and like she had diarrhea.
Kristen: OMG! Did you just smell gnatty Gnat’s fart! It STINKS and it sounded super juicy. Like ewwwww.
by McTootypantsG July 10, 2019
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So nasty, it’s at gnat level.. it’s fucking gnat-sty
Girl check out that monstera over there, it’s fucking gnat-sty
by SoilMate December 6, 2020
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“G Gnat,” said trevor

Goodnight,” replied the gnat
by mersheldon August 14, 2018
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A road gnat is a driver who fluctuates speed so extremely that they are neither possible to pass nor cruise behind. They spend most of their time in the left lane, however they are also often found in the blind spot of cars attempting to pass.

Many blame road gnats on Obama and global warming. However, there is evidence that road gnats have existed dating back to the invention of the car phone in 1942.
I should have been there an hour ago, but I got stuck behind a road gnat with some serious road rage.
by Transy15 April 14, 2016
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