When will those damned "FREDS" stop blowing themselves up?
by Sherry M. September 11, 2006
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A person you hate because of his/her voice.
Girl: I hate him, he is such a FRED.
by yourinhell4567 April 23, 2010
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fred, nigga

aka weed
"Why were you with Spankey?"
"We were chillin with Fred."
by brrrandi December 17, 2007
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acronym standing for "Fucking Ridiculous Electronic Device" (usually any computer or computer part that's pissng you off!)
How was your day at work?
The stupid temporary FRED they stuck me with for my login terminal kept going down all day!
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada February 7, 2010
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A fred' is a person who exists.
fred': gm guys

Person 1: gm fred'

Person 2: hey fred', gm
by SHOCKER7000 September 14, 2021
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characterized by a love for bluegrass, a talent in all instruments, a passion for Middle Eastern languages, and an addiction to pie that cannot be cured by the Atkin's Diet. Overall a very smart and funny person usually from Oklahoma.
by sarah_was_here March 22, 2007
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fake dreds
"Oh gurl i like ur freds!"
"Thanks my cousin did them."
by stjake January 18, 2009
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