Long haired jizz expert- best seen in the tv show Workaholics, refers to one that has long hair and is an expert in the fields of seman.
Get away from me you long haired jizz expert!
Adam: No one talks to my long haired jizz expert like that!
by gorilla tities February 17, 2014
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Goblin mode is a variation of the cowgirl sex position where the person on top has their hands and feet planted onto the other person and simultaneously grunting and occasional manic laughing. A goblin mode expert is this but the person on top never breaks character. Enjoys it so much sometimes they lose themselves and cannot control themselves even after the person on bottom has had enough. Be careful out there.
Oh no she’s a goblin mode expert!
by Hlab hlab March 5, 2022
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Someone who massages expertly with their tongue, can be a male or female and usually does the massaging in the pelvic area
Someone get me a mop, I just finished up with a tongue massage expert
by Tnp12rocks March 29, 2017
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Someone who takes to social media to talk about a subject they know nothing about and suggest that they know someone in their family that's affiliated with that topic,which means they are as educated and knowledgeable as the person just by association. Women tend to do this when they marry someone. "My Husband is a Doctor, I know what I',m talking about"
My Brother is a Plumber. That makes me an expert. EBAS - Expert by Association Syndrome
by Nevadarhodes May 4, 2019
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The expert method is a kind of theoretical thinking developed in Malmo, Sweden. The method is powered by having a group of assigned "experts" that state facts with questions such as: Are the dinosaurs really extinct? The "experts" will then state their answers/opinions an conclude a result by the average of the results. The method is currently used for confirming facts in learning purposes.
Expert method:
questioner: Is he done playing the game?
expert 1. Yes
expert 2. yes
expert 3. no
expert 4. yes
expert 5.no
questioner: The result is a "strong maybe"
by The supreme expert(L) February 1, 2018
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One who excels at doing nothing while appearing busy to others. The expert can fool co-workers and bosses alike.
In her sales job, Beth is required to hit daily call goals in order to meet expectations and keep the monkeys off her back. By dialing mostly disconnected or fax numbers, Beth's sales director is completely fooled and regularly congratulates her on hitting or exceeding goal. Beth is seen as successful and often referenced as an example for "activity pays". Beth has mastered being a suspended activity expert at work.
by pseudo-ninja May 13, 2015
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