1. God's people; Sons of Adam, daughters of Eve. 2. A people whose skin has been kissed by the sun, of African descent. 3. A people who have been systematically disenfranchised, dehumanized, and degraded and oppressed. A once prosperous nation of people.
I wonder if black people know how amazing they are.
by Melanía Trump July 9, 2020
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When people outside the African American community speak loudly for any & every reason & take action for either a violent or nonviolent reason
Person 1: Dude , how's that fried chicken , macaroni & collard greens

Person 2: Its so good that I'm having a black people moment
by Faithmoriahfaith June 16, 2016
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When a wack nigga got pubes on his dome.
Yo, Franklin got the black people hair going on.
by notharambe April 24, 2017
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if you like KFC congracts
I hate black people. I love kfc chicken its the best!
by SAKAI PINDER April 12, 2022
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Pronounced "fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine".

Used to describe someone that is above-average looking.
Dayum, that girl is fine. As in, black-people fine.
by Lily_of_Geeks August 9, 2009
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Weed typically sold in quantity over quality that varies in quality every time you buy, it is typically sold by a black person or wigger like persons
"Bro this shit smells like straight black people weed"
by Grant Oliver February 5, 2018
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Between the battles of Ritz crackers, candy bars and grape cola there are scholarships for prisons and a place where the monkeys play. A track meet for inmates they say to "buy stock now in chicken and watermelon!" It's a plantation owners dream.
Guy loves to check out black people meet.
by Dirty dust July 27, 2014
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