The amount to which something is adorable.
Kelsey - It's ok when I'm dumb because you think it's adorable.

You - yes but when you mention that it kills all adorability.
by Mr. Kurtz June 11, 2008
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Meaning she will never have sex with you, but she hopes someone will
He is harmless and I adore him!
by whoolee May 18, 2007
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psycho stalker delusional freakshow. This species resides atop bakeries, and is often found lurking behind a PC monitor and eating ho-ho's. Also sometimes found in Ireland, but not really.
Adore will stab you until all your blood is on the ground and out of you.
by heh September 7, 2003
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Did you hear about the Ador Bird Flu? Was killing people in Asia
by Biscuitman 56 September 10, 2006
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the ability to be adorable
Aw, that penguin has some serious adorability!
by adorablepenguin June 9, 2013
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The way Kristen feels about Timothy!!! :)
I am full of adoration for him!
by Kristen February 3, 2005
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