The voce module that comes with 200 and XP to help blind users use the computer. also very funny to make say things..

Funny things to make microsoft sam say:

1. piss! Piss out the ass!

2. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

3. fuck shit piss cunt tits cocksucker motherfucker twat

4. just mash the keyboard and ask Sam to pronounce what results.
by g-pain November 29, 2007
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Dead public access TV personality that had a hip-hop call-in show at 1:30 am Sat. nights from Metro TV in N.Y.C. Was younger brother of Max Kellerman of Fox TV. Sam was also in the first Yankee Network TV commercials and a car commercial afterwards. Believed he moved to LA to pursue a career in sports journalism in boxing. Ironically twist has it his friend and roommate, a/k/a The Harlem Hammer had known Kellerman for about 30 years, is now his killer.
Was beaten to death in L.A. by his boxer friend who then stole his car and was at large for 48 hours till the cops caught him.
by it's a riddle October 25, 2004
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One of the happiest couples ever!

Sam: Is caring, loving, sweet, accepting, protective, absolutely amazing and would do anything for his Allie.

Allie: Is silly, flirty, loving, sympathetic, and would do anything for her Sam.
Sam and Allie are really perfect for each other.
by Allie loves Sam September 12, 2010
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A Sam is a manipulative bitch that lies and treats you like shit that makes your life miserable.
She's being a Sam right now.
Well that's a Sam for you.

She's being a Sam.
by TheManors January 31, 2019
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A hideous, horrible looking virtual assistant that morons on the internet coom over because she's the closet thing to a woman they will ever know.
Coomer: Samsung Sam is so hot!!!!!!
Normal Person: She's fucking hideous, touch fucking grass you pillock.
by GrammaSoop June 14, 2021
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To have loud sex with someone in a dorm, to the point where everybody can hear you. Especially applies to figures of authority.
The proctor pulled a sam last night. He didn't realize that playing loud music wouldn't mask the sound of him banging his girlfriend, so the rest of the dorm was up the entire night listening to them.
by kerrerific April 13, 2008
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A prick who treats girls like toys and as soon as a better girl comes along he leaves the other one
by Jdgdjdjfddh7393 June 26, 2017
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