To hate vegetables immensly for personal or no reason at all but still eat or use them in ways in daily life.
"this broccoli is shit, I hate fucking eating it, I hate eating all vegetables"

"dude, thats some serious aggro-culture"
by kingyugi2000 August 14, 2009
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Organi-cultural deviance derives its meaning from the words to ORGANIZE; to function as a structured unit CULTURE; meaning the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization, and DEVIANCE; meaning behavior that differs from what is normal or accepted.

Organi-cultural deviance is used to describe a corporate culture which has been socialized to engage in deviant acts (Husted, 2008, p. 140)
Organi-cultural deviance explains the deviant behaviors (defined by societal norms) engaged in by individuals or groups of individuals. The term organi-cultural deviance is also used to describe social, situational and environmental factors giving rise to corporate crime.

Husted, C. (2008). Systematic Differentiation Between Dark and Light Leaders: Is a Corporate Criminal Profile Possible. Capella University.
by sbmconsultingservices March 9, 2012
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Known by the Acronym ECAS (pronounced ee-kas) Coined by, Reuel-Azriel, in his book “Don’t Call Me Black, Call Me Bulan.

Ethno-Cultural-Self-Actualizationism" is a term that combines the concepts of ethno (referring to ethnicity), cultural (referring to culture), and self-actualizationism (referring to the process of achieving one's full potential) into a single word.

This term implies a focus on the exploration and development of cultural and ethnic identity as a means of achieving personal growth and fulfillment. It suggests a process of self-exploration and transformation that involves embracing and celebrating one's cultural heritage and identity, while also striving to reach one's full potential as an individual.
Many individuals find that practicing ethno-cultural-self-actualizationism helps them better understand and appreciate their cultural roots, while also empowering them to pursue their personal goals with a strong sense of identity and purpose.
by Reuel-Azriel May 9, 2023
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A movement that was established in 2020 that is originated from a young entrepreneur. It’s time to change how we the people move in the environment by seeing the bigger picture. Everything we do is for a purpose. We are trying to show examples of what a leader looks like. Also some slogans for “Changing the Culture “ are I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, in style we trust, in hoop we trust, and in sneakers we trust.
I am the owner and founder of changing the culture.
Changing the culture is a aspect of the way we live.
by JJB X CTC March 10, 2022
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Where internet ppl narrow in on one person's mistake and criticize them to the point of global hate
Taylor Swift was a victim of cancel culture in 2016
by thecherryontop77 October 6, 2023
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Ope! See that? See, it's not that the cancel culture is bad and wrong. It's not the top down ideological control by way of the media being used to destroy people lives for trivial things... It's the religious conservatives not being in control of everyones lifes. That's the problem with cancel culture. The REAL problem is that THEY should be doing the canceling.
Hym "But... Matt... You said that the tactics they use are fascistic... You spent years saying that the woke left are the REAL fascists... And now your solution is to... Do the thing that made them fascists? So... You ARE a fascist! A fascist theocrat with a God complex. Nutsworld. This cancel culture is the death of freedom and if you take one thing away from this I want it to be this: On a long enough timeline, what you're doing is going to necessitate violence. You might not even live to see it. But it'll be whoever you indoctrinated to believe what you believe before you die (probably you kids) and the are going to be slaughtered and they are going to deserve it. And I'm going to laugh. It's going to be hilarious to me! Because I will have been right... Again! And being right is my favorite! Ahahahahahahahaha! Even if I'm dead. You'll KNOW that I WOULD HAVE laughed. And that's just as good. It makes my laughter eternal. HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!"
by Hym Iam April 12, 2023
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